Akunnerit 2018


Start Date: 17. marts

End Date: 18. marts

The musical performance Akunnerit is a tribute to Laarseeraq Svendsen and the wonderful music he has given voice to. It will be a musical evening for the adult audience with a focus on a good atmosphere and togetherness.

The performance is not a historical retrospective, but rather we let the songs speak to us in the present. The music has been rearranged and the songs are interpreted by three young singers.
The lyrics exude love and a pride in Greenlandic nature and the people. However, it's not all rosy and there can also be small surprises and room for laughter along the way.

The singer Laarseeraq Svendsen (1926-1975) was a big singing star in the 50s and 60s. His recordings, which date back to the period 1958-1975, have been adapted to be released on CD in the year 1990. It is these songs that are now being put on stage.



Instructor: Karina Møller.

Singer: Kuunu Berthelsen.

Singer: Nathan Kreutzmann.

Singer: Kimmernaq Kjeldsen.

Musician and arranger: Jim Milne.

Musician: Titken Jacobsen.

Musician: Hanne Saandvig Immanuelsen.

Musician: Anders Øgaard.

Light and visual design: Gerth Lyberth.

Sound engineering: Fabrizio Barzanti.

Scenography and costumes: Lisbeth K. Poulsen.

Producer: Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia.