Kiviuq Returns – Nunavut


Start Date: 21. september

End Date: 23. september

Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia has the pleasure of showing the guest play "Kiviuq Returns" from Nunavut.
Kiviuq is the eternal wanderer, the legendary hero of Inuit stories from all over the Arctic. In this theatrical retelling, Kiviuq travels with his qajaq… lost and betrayed… he encounters shape-shifting animals that alternate between being enchanting, comical and treacherous. He calls on his helper spirits to find his way home. Inuit legend says that if Kiviuq dies before he returns home, the Inuit will disappear from the earth.

"Kiviuq Returns" is a one-hour multidisciplinary performance that brings together Inuit music, drum dance, Inuit costumes and ancient storytelling, in a modern tale of one man's legendary heroism and grief through the ages.

The performance is created by Qaggiavuut – an artistic and cultural community in Nunavut that works to develop a strong Inuit performing arts community.


Instructor: Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory.

Stage manager: Scarlett Larry.

Assistant Stage Manager: Natashia Writer.

Technical Manager: Jamie Griffiths.

Technical Manager Assistant: Rico Manitok.

Sound design: Chris Coleman.

Fox Song composers: Agaaqtoq & Avery Keenainak.

Costume Designer: Looee Arreak.

Light Design: Rebecca Picherack.

Light Design Assistant: Scarlett Larry.

Coordinator and musician: Manasse Berthelsen.

Technician: Gerth Lyberth.

Architect and technician: Pilutaq Lundblad.

Organizers and planners: Susanne Andreasen & Panigaq Anaviapik.