Rosa Marie-p tiguartikkaluarnera

Start Date: 08. november
End Date: 10. november
Time: 2:00 p.m./7:30 p.m
The play you are about to see has been inspired and translated from Wendy Lill’s play, The Occupationof Heather Rose (Canada, 1987). The names of the characters and places have been changed to reflectthe Greenlandic experience.
Rosa Marie Andersen tells the story of her nursing experience in a fictional town located on Disco Bay,Greenland in 1969. Young, idealistic and naïve, she travels to Disco Bay from Arhus where she wasraised and trained (inadequately) as a nurse.
Nine months later, Rosa Marie returns to Denmark, her dreams of “saving and helping” shattered. Asher own history is revealed, as well, the reality of the social conditions in Disco Bay and the inadequacyof those sent to Disco to “help”, we witness Rosa Marie’s mental decline and disillusionment. RosaMarie wishes to confront the health authority who hired her, but when she does not arrive, we (theaudience) become both her witnesses and her jury.
This play is intended for audiences 16 years and older. Mature subject matter.
Instructor: Patti Shaughnessy.
Actress: Else Danielsen.
Playwright: Wendy Lill.
Scenography: Camilla Nielsen.
Graphic Designer: Gerth Lyberth.
Light Designer: Ilannguaq Kleist.
Sound & Design: Gerth W. Lyberth.
Production Manager: Bendo Schmidt.
Costumes & Seamstress: Kirsten Mortensen.