

Start Date: 20. januar

End Date: 22. januar

Time: 16:00/19:00

Price: 60 Kr.

AVIAJA DANCE which is founded by the Greenlandic/Danish dancer Sarah Aviaja Hammeken has premiered at the performance SILA on 20 January, it takes place at the National Theater of Greenland in Nuuk.

Dance who collects us

AVIAJA DANCE tells us about SILA: After the time we have all gone through, isn't it obvious that we all have something we struggle with? That we all know the feeling of loneliness, and that it is hardest to ask for help when we need it most? That we sometimes doubt whether we are wanted and therefore do not always see the doors that open for us?

Unless it's time to stop thinking about what's wrong, but instead feel it. Together.

Then join us on a journey of discovery that plays out on the seashore, and investigate with the dancers what happens when knots and twists prevent the pattern of action from being broken.

The performance is inspired by the myth of Sassuma Arnaa, which reminds us that we are never in full control. That we humans are not created to handle our problems alone. We will feel, collect, share and dance. We should notice how it feels when we are not alone.

Three dancers are on stage, Amanda Rubio Sanchez (Spain), Marta Greco (Italy) and Greenlandic/Danish Sarah Aviaja Hammeken.

"We have been working on the show since 2020 and now we are really excited to finally have a premiere here in Nuuk, which is one of my hometowns," says Sarah Aviaja Hammeken. Hereafter, the preview shall be shown bl.a. in the Dance Chapel, in Copenhagen”

In addition to the performance, the audience can also meet the three dancers at Kulturnatten on January 21 when the National Theater holds a free open house and invites the dancers to a workshop at 10:00 am. 14 and at. 15.

Theater director at the National Theatre of Greenland Susanne Andreasen says “We know Sarah Aviaja Hammeken as a very powerful dancer from various dance performances that have previously visited Nuuk, and we know that she stands for good quality in her productions. It's nice that she chose to have her premiere here with us.”


Choreographer: Sarah Aviaja Hammeken. 

Dancers: Amanda Rubio Sanchez, Marta Greco & Sarah Aviaja Hammeken.  

Composer: Gerth Lyberth. 

Lighning Designer: Brian Cord’homme. 

Sponsors & team/co-production:

Dansehallerne, Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia, Statens Kunstfond, NAPA, NunaFonden, Augustinus Fonden, William Hansen Fonden, William Demant Fonden, C.IN.E (Centre d'Investigació Escènica).