

Start Date: 01. februar

Time: 16.00 and 19.00

I heard about a real event in Greenland, about a woman who was attacked and torn apart by a polar bear in the early 60s. This incident has stayed with me for many years and wouldn’t let go of me, and the desire to create a performance has grown over the years. I have always felt that this story wanted to be told through me.

There have been many questions about why she had to endure such a fate. What really happened to the woman? Was there something about a Tupilak?

Varste Mathæussen


- Theater 
- 1. februar 2025
- 16:00 + 19:00
- 16+
- 100,-


Varste Mathæussen: Actor
Indra Lorentzen: Director/Choreographer and Artistic Leader
Bjørn Klakegg: Composer/Musician. Plays recorded music during the performance.