Is this your first time visiting Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia?

Here, we provide you with some helpful advice on how to make the most of your experience at the theater.

Arrive early!

Plan your transportation to the Theater so you don't arrive late. There is parking available at the Theater, but it can sometimes fill up. Therefore, have a plan for what you can do if that happens.

When do the doors open?

We open the doors to our cozy foyer one hour before the start of the performance. Here, you can purchase tickets and use our cloakroom and restrooms. You can also read the program for the day's performance.

When do the doors close?

Our performances start on time, and we do not admit latecomers. We do this out of consideration for the actors and the other audience members' experience.


Photography and video/audio recording are not allowed during the performances. We always have both photos and videos from our performances on our Facebook page and website.


Theater is a live art form. This means that as an audience member, you get a close experience with the people on stage. That experience goes both ways – from the stage, you can also see, hear, and sense the audience. Therefore, please respect the experience and wait to comment on the play until intermission or afterwards. Also, consider whether your candy wrapper rustles too loudly and double-check that your phone is turned off or on flight mode.


For longer performances, there may be an intermission halfway through. If so, this will be announced before the start of the performance.


If a problem arises during the performance or if you need assistance, there is always an usher present either in the auditorium or just outside. The theater staff will be wearing a shirt with our logo.

Perhaps the performance has sparked some thoughts that you would like to share with your friends and family? Maybe you like our poster?

Share your experience on Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia's website www.NUIS.GL and on our Facebook page HERE.

Would you like to study acting?
