Education Council

The Education Council for the Acting Education at the The National Theatre of Greenland is tasked with ensuring the quality of the acting education.

In accordance with Self-Government regulation no. 22 of December 16, 2010, regarding the Education Council for the Acting Education at the Greenland National Theater, pursuant to § 11, paragraph 2 of the Inatsisartut Act no. 23 of November 18, 2010, on theater, it is determined:


§ 1

Naalakkersuisoq for uddannelse nedsætter et uddannelsesråd der består af personer med indsigt i uddannelsesforhold og faglig viden indenfor teatervirksomhed.

§ 2

Uddannelsesrådet består af 3 medlemmer:   1) Et medlem udpeget af departementet for uddannelse. 2) Et medlem udpeget af en landsdækkende organisation for skuespillere i Grønland. 3) Et medlem udpeget af Statens Teaterskole. Stk. 2. Det medlem, der er udpeget af departementet for uddannelse, er formand for rådet. Stk. 3. Medlemmerne udpeges for periode på 4 år, der følger kalenderåret. Genudpegning kan finde sted én gang. Stk. 4. Grønlands Nationalteater er sekretariat for rådet og udgifter til rådets virksomhed afholdes af Grønlands Nationalteater.


§ 3

The Education Council is tasked with ensuring the quality of the acting education.
Paragraph 2. The Education Council's quality assurance of the acting education is carried out by:

  1. Providing opinions on proposals for regulations on the acting education, cf. § 4.
  2. Providing opinions on proposals for the curriculum for the acting education, cf. § 4.
  3. Through ongoing evaluation of the acting education, cf. § 5.
  4. By submitting reasoned proposals for amendments to the regulations on the acting education, cf. § 6, and
  5. by submitting reasoned proposals for amendments to the curriculum for the acting education, cf. § 7.

§ 4

When the council provides an opinion on proposals for regulations for the acting education and on proposals for the curriculum for the acting education, the opinion must include, among other things, the council's assessment of whether the education provides credit for acting educations in other countries and whether the education is expected to provide professional competence for employment as an actor in and outside Greenland. The council may, for its opinions, obtain expert opinions.

§ 5

The ongoing evaluation of the acting education must take place annually. The evaluation must include an assessment of whether the education is conducted in accordance with the regulations and the curriculum for the education and whether the education generally progresses satisfactorily.

§ 6

If the council wishes to submit reasoned proposals for amendments to the regulations for the acting education, the proposal must be sent to the Department of Education.


§ 7

If the council wishes to submit reasoned proposals for amendments to the curriculum for the acting education, the proposal must be sent to the National Theatre of Greenland with a copy to the Department of Education.

§ 8

The chairman convenes the Education Council for meetings as needed, but at least once annually.
Paragraph 2. The Education Council determines its own rules of procedure.

§ 9

The Education Council prepares an annual report, which is submitted to The National Theatre of Greenland and the Department of Education for information.
Paragraph 2. The annual report must include the council's annual evaluation of the acting education, a description of the council's activities in the past year, and the council's annual plan for the coming year, including meeting schedule and budget.


§ 10

This regulation enters into force on January 1, 2011.

Greenland Self-Government, December 16, 2010
Mimi Karlsen / Lise Lennert Olsen